San Francisco Man Convicted Of Attack On Nancy Pelosi’s Husband

A San Francisco jury has convicted David DePape of five charges related to the 2022 break-in at the home of Nancy Pelosi, the Speaker of the U. S. House of Representatives. The incident occurred on October 28, 2022, when DePape entered the Pelosis’ San Francisco residence and attacked Paul Pelosi, Nancy’s husband, with a hammer.

DePape’s conviction followed a trial in which he and his legal team declined to contest the evidence against him. In fact, DePape had previously admitted to his involvement in the incident in interviews with law enforcement, as well as in a prison interview with a local television station and during his testimony in his federal trial.

As reported, DePape’s motivations for the break-in were unclear, but his lawyer, “Tom Lipson.”.. described his client’s actions as “completely absurd.” Lipson characterized DePape’s plan as attempting to confront Pelosi and extract a confession from her regarding alleged crimes… despite the lack of any credible evidence or justification for such actions.

The jury’s conviction of DePape on five charges marks a significant conclusion to a shocking and disturbing incident that garnered widespread attention and concern. The case serves as a stark reminder of the need for vigilance and prioritization of security and safety in public figures’ personal ___s. The information in this article was first published by nytimes.



Reference: See here

David DePape was convicted on Friday of five charges, brought by the state of California, for breaking into Nancy Pelosi’s home in 2022 and beating her husband with a hammer.
Over the course of the two trials, he and his lawyers never contested the evidence against him. In interviews with police shortly after the incident in October 2022, he admitted to breaking into Ms. Pelosi’s house and attacking her husband, Paul Pelosi. He did the same in an interview from jail with a local television station and on the witness stand in his federal trial.

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