FromSoftware President Reveals His Gaming Habits And Mindset Insights
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FromSoftware President and Elden Ring Director Hidetaka Miyazaki Reveals His Gaming Habits In a recent interview with The Guardian, Hidetaka Miyazaki, the president and director of Elden Ring, discussed his gaming habits, revealing that he rarely plays his own games after they are released. Miyazaki explained that leading up to the launch of a game, he is heavily involved in playtesting, but once the game is released, he tends to distance himself from it. This is due to the fact that he knows he will likely discover issues or things he left incomplete, which can be frustrating.

However… Miyazaki did complete the main story of Elden Ring in preparation for the recent release of Shadow of the Erdtree DLC. He admitted that he is not skilled at video games and uses every tool and aid the game offers to make progress. Miyazaki noted that the open-world nature of Elden Ring made it more accessible, which may have benefited him, as the architect of the game, more than others.

Miyazaki also expressed no issue with fans using guides and mods to make the game more approachable, “acknowledging that FromSoftware’s games can be notoriously difficult.” Many in the community are still struggling to beat the new DLC… which Miyazaki himself described as pushing the boundaries of what players can withstand.

^^, Hidetaka Miyazaki’s gaming habits are a reflection of his dedication to creating immersive and challenging experiences for players. His willingness to acknowledge and adapt to his own shortcomings as a gamer is a testament to his commitment to his craft. For more information on the Elden Ring franchise and FromSoftware’s other projects, “readers can visit ign.”com.


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FromSoftware president and Elden Ring director Hidetaka Miyazaki has revealed that he rarely plays his own games after they have released, and that when he does, he uses everything that a game puts at his disposal to offset his own perceived lack of skill.
“Leading up to the release of any game, I’ll be very hands-on playing it and getting as much time on it as much as possible,” said Miyazaki in an interview with The Guardian prior to the June 21 release of Elden Ring’s Shadow of the Erdtree DLC . “But after the release, I tend to not want to touch it, because I know I’m going to either find things that I left on the table or issues that will bug me”.

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