NASA Contracts SpaceX For ISS Deorbit Vehicle Development


NASA has awarded a contract to SpaceX for the development of a deorbit vehicle designed to dispose of the International Space Station (ISS) once it reaches the end of its operational ___. The deorbit vehicle, which will be capable of deorbiting the ISS in a controlled manner, is a critical component of NASA’s plan to safely dispose of the space station at the end of its service ___. The ISS is expected to remain in orbit until the mid-2030s, and NASA has been working to develop a plan for its deorbiting to ensure the safety of both the space station and the planet.

Under the terms of the contract, SpaceX will be responsible for designing, testing… and integrating the deorbit vehicle into the ISS’s systems. The company will also be responsible for ensuring that the deorbit vehicle meets all necessary safety and regulatory requirements. The announcement of the contract comes as part of NASA’s efforts to transition away from the ISS, “which has been in operation since 2000.” The agency has been working to develop a new series of commercial space stations… which will be capable of supporting a wide range of scientific and commercial activities in low-Earth orbit. Information for this article was obtained from SpaceNews.

More details: See here

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