The 25 Best Conspiracy Thrillers


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This list wouldn’t be complete without All the President’s Men , which many consider to be the best in the genre. If you haven’t already seen it, it’s not a spoiler to say that the reporters crack the case wide open. What’s surprising about this conspiracy thriller, however, is how much tension Alan J. Pakula can wring from a story we already know by heart. Robert Redford and Dustin Hoffman are great in their parts, but it’s Pakula who steals the show with his paranoid filmmaking.

Francis Ford Coppola didn’t miss in the 70s (see: The Godfather and Apocalypse Now ), and this film proved just how good he can be. The Conversation tells the story of a surveillance expert who is hired to tail a mysterious couple. The case haunts him for weeks, and he spends the next two hours unraveling down to the floorboards.

Perhaps the most stunning film on our list, The Conformist, follows Jean as he comes to the realization that his friends aren’t who they seem. Against the backdrop of blue and red colors, autumn leaves and winter winds, he finds that he was on the wrong side of history all along.

Action. Adventure. Paranoia. Matt Damon kicking people in the face. What more could you want from a conspiracy thriller? A perfect example of the genre, Bourne Identity launched a series of five installments and brought the conspiracy thriller back into the mainstream.

As far as conspiracy thrillers go, this one is up there with the best of ’em. Based on a show of the same name, The X-Files takes a plot thread from the series and condenses it into a stand-alone film. There are plenty of twists along the way, as well as some of the best action scenes in the franchise.

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